

Went to see “Skyfall” at Hollywood since it was Half Price Tuesday, and biking home through the sub-freezing baby hours of Wednesday I had to admit to myself that this cold had me. Now, instead of going to bed (which would probably be the most beneficial thing of all), I’m employing every single ancient cure I can think of at once and hoping that one of them sticks. Honey and hot lemon water, vinegar gargle, and am waiting for three huge cloves of garlic to finish roasting so I can eat them and be well and have really horrible breath.

Did you know that during the Black Plague there was a monastery in which none of the monks ever got sick, despite the fact they were the ones who tended the ill and buried the bodies? Turns out they grew a bunch of garlic and ate it with everything, and that was how Medical Science discovered that garlic has antibiotic properties.

[I didn’t know if this story was true or not, but I just looked it up on this incredibly reputable looking site and it more or less is! Bonus for you, the reader!]

Black Plague Doctor


My blog! I haven’t forgotten about you. I just signed in after a long time of not looking and it turns out my daily views were way higher when I wasn’t even around posting anything than when I labored to produce a post every day. Jeez. You people are like the people who didn’t like Amy Winehouse until she was dead.

Anyway, it’s just that I haven’t had anything clever to say — that, combined with my usual disgust at myself for being so interested in what people think of me online. It’s like I almost get more pleasure from someone “liking” something of mine on Facebook or viewing/commenting on this blog than from an actual human actually smiling at me.